Saturday, February 26, 2022

FOGBEE Archives

In 2013, I started writing a monthly column about bicycles. Initially, the Indian Lake Peninsula Living editor thought I worked for Bikers Choice. I didn't and never included a byline.

Initially, the editor asked for a couple of paragraphs and photos every month. I ran out of ideas after about a year and Bikers Choice stopped paying its advertisement. Then the editor said, "Write stories about FOGBEES and use my byline."

 I found about six years of your activities and photos to share. I did include a few non-bike stories that others requested. But, in mid-2020 COVID changed a lot. The magazine terminated and I was no longer able to ride with the club. I ran out of stories to tell.

My wife kept a copy of most of the magazines. Before I started to throw them to the trashcan, I made a copy of most of these articles and lots of FOGBEE activities and photos. I thought many of you would be interested in seeing some of these old times. Here is a list with hyperlinks that you can click to see each article.


1 comment:

Woody said...

Good stuff Tom; maybe we can get the band back together with some new adventures in 2022.