Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SUPPORT Greenways for Sumner County

We were all saddened by the news about the death of Hank Thompson after a lengthy battle with cancer. As many of you may know, Hank was Sumner County Commissioner and friendly to our greenways and general "cycling/running/ walking-related-activity" causes. Hank has been temporarily replaced by Ragan Hall. On Saturday, July 26th, there will be several GOP County Caucus events throughout Sumner county to elect a representative to fulfill Hank's unexpired term. SUPPORT GREENWAYS through political action. Please click here to read more.

Frank P. Bowyer, IV


coastdownhills said...

All very good but what if one does not consider himself a Republican?

Doug_D said...

One should change their ways!!

Nik the Stik said...

Having went to school with much of Ragan's siblings (he was in my brother's class as well) will give me an opportunity to bend his ear a bit, I think.

The best thing would be a unified FOGBEES appearance at some of the commission meetings. As the group grows, our impact in the county should become greater whether we are in the "A" group, Lites, Ultra-Lites, or Mini-Me Lites (okay, that's a stretch).

We can do this. Count me in all the way.


Frank Bowyer said...

Doesn't matter if you're Republican or not, please get involved with the process and support your party. As I get more involved, I'm amazed at how little involvement there is from the general public. You can do more than just contribute money, you can volunteer your time. The more you get involved I think you'll find that you can have a positive impact on your community.