Sunday, August 3, 2008

Comments from Frank Bowyer

. . . We're about to lose the bridge over 386. It currently has 2 lanes with shoulder space, but will soon be 3 lanes with no shoulder space. Much worse, the northbound will consist of 2 lanes to ease traffic on ILB. What makes this worse is that such a proposal is not safe for cyclists to ride in the area around the on/off ramps in order to head north on Drakes Creek Rd.
. . . I need your input. Who do you support for Sumner County Commissioner, and why? Let me know based on your experience and knowledge of these candidates' actions. The choices are Anthony Holt, Ragan Hall and Paul Goode (is it Paul?). I'm registered as a delegate for the Republican caucus, which will be held at the Taj Mahal on 8/16.

Frank Bowyer IV

1 comment:

Frank Bowyer said...

I neglected to include Mike Moulton as a candidate.

I've received mailings from Anthony Holt and Ragan Hall thanking me for my involvement with the caucus. Mr. Holt lists "greenways" as part of his experience. I think he would continue Mr. Thompson's path regarding greenways. I believe Mr. Hall will also be greenways friendly and has been asking for help with ideas. I hope to meet with him to discuss his philosophy and learn more about his plan. I haven't heard from Mr. Moulton or Mr. Goode.