Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bike Touring Presentation

Ryan Van Duzer (of Travel Channel fame) is going to be giving a presentation about bicycle touring at our West End shop this coming (3/2/2010) Tuesday night at 7pm. He has ridden all over the world, including a ride from Honduras to Colorado and a cross-country trip on a beach cruiser. He is a lot of fun, and the presentation should be great. It's free to the public, and New Belgium will be providing free Fat Tire beer. Hopefully you can make it!

Adam Trapani

Do you guys mind passing it on to the Harpeth club?
Custom bike sales.

TB Note: I have more details which I can email to anyone interested.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

National Bicycle Route System

Adventure Cycling is coordinating New National Bicycle Route System. This massive proposal is moving ahead despite tight budgets and lack of bicycle advocacy groups in some states.

It’s exciting because the states that are on board, about a dozen so far, are actively engaged, more than what I expected,” Director Ginny Sullivan added. Among those that have expressed the most interest so far are Arizona, California, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, and Tennessee.

Bruce Day is leading the Tennessee contribution. Visit his Blog and offer your assistance.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friends of Warner Parks Ride

Here is an upcoming ride that I wanted to share with the club.

For your riding pleasure.

Click Hear for info

Official Fogbee Bottle Opener

These guys make headset spacers/bottle openers. They will custom engrave for an order of 12 or more.

One reviewer said "Yes, I am now the proud owner of bottle opener with a bike around it."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More Rumbling on TV

In case you missed the latest report on Rumble Strips on Highway 100.

TDOT says they have closed the breakdown of communication that allowed the above rumbling to happen. We shall see!

Please Help with PRO-BIKE Legislation

NOW is the time for you to ACT and do something very easy for bicycling advocacy

This evening the directors of Bike Walk Tennessee unanimously voted to adopt a resolution in support of Tennessee state legislation HB3131 / SB3057. This bill authorizes bicyclists, after coming to a full and complete stop and exercising due care as provided by law, to proceed with caution through traffic lights. This is due to the inability of many traffic signals to detect a waiting bicyclist. The law has long been available to motorcyclists, and this bill will provide similar treatment for bicyclists. READ HOW WE NEED YOUR HELP

2/18: Bill passes Senate unanimously. Now headed to House Safety Committee

Thursday, February 11, 2010


First impressions suggest our attempts to find reasonable compromise have failed. A popular bike route - Hwy 100 - got rumbled. Click HERE to view pictures. Comments?
From: Jessica.L Wilson, February 12, 2010 7:51 AM

I've gotten several inquiries about this project and talked to Pat about it earlier this week. Unfortunately, this particular project was part of a contract let back in Sept. 2009 before we had our new system in place. If you have questions or want to talk about it more then feel free to give me a call and we can discuss it- its usually easier for me to talk over the phone rather than type everything out.

Jessica L. Wilson
Transportation Planner 4
TDOT Long Range Planning

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Internet Training

Bob, has asked for face-to-face help on his Blog (Assignments 1 &2). I told him to bring his laptop over this Saturday 2/13/10 (weather for peddling not looking good) and we would work on it.
If anyone else wants to join this work session, please Comment to this Post and we'll work out the timing.
Since Gary and Bruce have doe great jobs with the blogs, I have decided to add one more section for Blogs - adding JibJab (Gary's favorite), YouTube, and other embedded HTML to a Blog.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Thinking about getting an Ultegra 11-28 cassette. Any opinions? And what types of cassette are you running? Just looking for some info so I can have an informed decision. Thanks - Scott

Bicycle Legislation - IN PROCESS

Dear Friends:

As cycling enthusiasts, I wanted to bring to your attention legislation currently before the Tennessee General Assembly that may be of interest to you. As you most likely know, bicycles are often too light to trigger many of the traffic signals throughout the state. This creates an unnecessary and unpleasant delay for cyclists as they are forced to wait for vehicles to trigger the lights. I’ve recently introduced a bill to address this small but potentially aggravating issue.


The bill, SB 3057, will allow cyclists in the state to proceed cautiously through red lights when they are rendered inoperable due to the bicycle’s weight. This is certainly a small change in state law; but, hopefully, it will improve the quality of cycling throughout the state. If you would like to see the bill being considered before the Senate Transportation Committee, you can watch it live Tuesday, February 9th, at 11:30 a.m. at , or just come to view the proceedings in Room 12 at the Legislative Plaza in Nashville, Tennessee. You can also watch an archived version of the hearing on the same site at anytime.


If you’d like to hear more about other current Tennessee issues, you may sign up to receive the Woodson Weekly, a weekly periodical of legislative news relevant to Tennesseans, at


As you know, cycling is an American tradition. It is a cherished pastime, and a great way to stay healthy and enjoy the outdoors. Tennessee values its cyclists, and we want to help them continue to enjoy their experience.

Yours in Service, Jamie Woodson, Senate Speaker Pro Tempore

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fogbees Triathlon Challenge

A slight change of plans. The GJCC Triathlon has been canceled, but do not fear we have a alternative. There is a tri event in McMinnville, TN on Sat May29,2010. The link below is updated with information to this event.

As everyone can see the list of people wanting to enter this event has grown. It is recommended that you sign up early as this event fills up fast. As of today Bob G. and Phil V. are registered. There will not be any organised training for this event, but several of us have been swimming at the YMCA in Hendersonville.

Click Here for McMinnville Triathlon information

Tips for Beginners

McMinnville Triathlon
May 29 , 2010 - Memorial Day - Monday
200 meter pool swim / 10.5 mi bike / 2 mi run / walk

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Other Blogs

It's a COLD, deary, day. Time to look at some blogs. How about Hockey for OLD Men? Can you believe that Mr "Can you post this for me" has created this. I still think he is paying someone.

We also have Tennessee Bicycle Interstate Routes. Also quite good, but I've seen him do this stuff before so I don't question it's author.

What does anyone think?

I wish I could show some more, but the others have nothing new since December.

Even though I haven't completed the assignments, these guys have accomplished everything I wanted to do with Blogs. Time to move on to Working with MapMyRide.