Friday, May 27, 2011

Take Survey to Improve Nashville

Leslie has just "rattled my chain" again.  If you haven't completed the survey, please do so!

The Nashville Area MPO invites you to participate in a survey of area cyclists being conducted by the Nashville Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). Nashville's BPAC is an advisory committee for the Metropolitan Government established by Mayor Karl Dean to promote and encourage safe bicycling and walking.  The results of this survey will be used to help:
-Design better bicycling facilities (bike lanes, greenways, etc.);
-Improve bike/automobile “share the road” public safety information programs.

You'll be done in less than 10 minutes -- we promise.  :)

Your individual responses will be kept confidential and only used in combination with information from others completing the survey. You're receiving this invitation because you previously completed an online survey about walking & bicycling in Middle Tennessee, as the MPO was preparing its award-winning Regional Bicycle & Pedestrian Study.

If there are other adults in your household who ride, they're also invited to take the survey. 

A little note on How-To:  You must complete the survey in one sitting. If you exit and re-enter at a later time, a new survey starts and your old survey is treated as a separate submission. (This allows participation from several household members who may all be utilizing the same home computer.)

To complete the survey, link to the following web address:

Thank you for continuing to help us increase public understanding of how improving bicycle connectivity & infrastructure can improve individual mobility, enhance
transit options, support economic activity, and promote active living—leading to better human & environmental health.

Leslie Meehan, AICP, Senior Planner, Nashville Area MPO