Sunday, July 31, 2011


I may be out of commission for a little while. Moving along at about 25 mph on the fast S. Mt. Pleasant Road today, a pickup pulled out from a driveway right in front of me. I got on the brakes hard, scraping the rear rubber down into the plies, and tried to maneuver but still slammed into the front fender and planted my face into the hood. I now have 6 stitches in my chin, 3 front teeth broken and shoved back, and a stiff, sore neck. As for the bike, the front wheel is a bit out of round, the headset has some looseness and the fork steerer tube appears bent. We'll see what the shop says. Overall, i'm considering myself fortunate that it wasn't worse. I hope to get back on the road with you all soon. Please ride safe and alert!


GARY said...

David: I'm sorry to hear about your injury and please get well soon. I also had an accident today on Neals Lane with Chad and Jason. At 22 MPH I locked up wheels with Jason and fell flat on the pavement. Then Chad ran over me. Road rash everywhere, really sore ribs and pains everwhere. My bike is a mess. I'm going to the shop early to see what Dr. Hardin says about the bent wheel, bent handle bars, etc. Maybe a house call to Dr. Day...thankfully I have all my teeth.

jon cherry said...

David I'm sorry to hear about your wreck and hope you start feeling better. Sounds like it was a rough day on the road for the fogbees. Gary, Jason and Chad I hope you guys are all doing ok too.

Tom_E said...

Saw Miley today. He was looking good. He is grateful in that this accident could have been much worse. David guessed that the driver never realized that he pedals at the speed-of-light and that the driver thought he could back out of his driveway before David reached him. Bad guess.

coastdownhills said...

Holy Headset! What a spate of injuries. I'm still peeling scabs from my crash on the Barbecue Ride. Just glad everyone has recovable injuries.

philandlisa said...

Oh my gosh, you guys! So glad the injuries weren't any worse but hate to hear they're as bad as they are. Speedy recovery to everyone AND their bikes. :)

Chad Moss said...

Wow! I'm sorry to hear the news Miley. Get well soon man. Good luck with the bike and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. You are welcome to a spare set of my wheels. You always wanted to try out those HED Ardennes!!

Mike said...

Dave, sorry to hear about your wreck and injuries. Sherry and I hope you get well soon.


Ed T said...

Wow indeed! Sorry to hear of all these injuries, but glad they aren't worse. Here is to speedy recovery for everyone. A friend crashed at 39 mph and has a broken femur and surgery on his lower back. I will pay extra attention.