Tuesday, April 30, 2013


On April 21st to the 27'th eight bicyclists planned to ride 320 miles from Hendersonville, TN to Damascus, VA.  Seven were members of the FOGBEE Cycling Club.  Of the six that actual did the trip, two were 70, two were mid-60, and two were late-50 years young.  The ride was supported by a van that tracked the bicyclists and met them at predetermined stops.  This ride was on the "bucket list" of the four eldest pedalers.  The adventure more than exceeded everyone's expectations.  Documented with plans, maps, journal, and photos on the website it is packaged for future trips.

Click on the "Day Tabs" on the RAT2013 website to see for each day on the schedule the map with links to RideWithGPS, the meal/lodging plan, a short journal, and a link to a documented slide show on Shutterfly.  The detailed plans are saved on the page Schedule.

Friday, April 26, 2013

At the End of the RAT

The Virginia Creeper is a ride y'all need to experience for superb scenery

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Scenery on RAT has been spectacular.  Now in Oak Ridge

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What a great time!

I agree with Tom E. that this ride was a blast and was for a great cause.  400 + riders, a beautiful morning and 62 miles hanging with the Draft master Miley. It was well put together, supported and with adequate rest stops. We had a group of 10 or so riders that pretty much drafted together for most of the morning. I did a personal best of 18.2 MPH for 62 miles. I was later arrested by Mr. Cat?/ Rabbit? for impersonating a Fogbee....

Kudos to Pedals For Paws

In just its fourth year, the Pedals for Paws team did an outstanding job.  Although it is hard to measure up to the premiere Harpeth River Ride, the P4P stacks up positively for all other area rides.  Where else can one get a tee-shirt, lunch, and an exceptionally well supported event for just $25.  With around 400 bicyclists, it's on its way to be the premiere event on our side of Nashville.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Recovery Advice

Looking for some Fogbee fellowship here,

I crashed going about 20 mph along Old Hickory on a solo century last weekend.  My front tire got caught in a set of train tracks that were on an angle across the road, and wham.  Since my tire got stuck, I went from 20 mph to 0 in one whack, which mean very little road rash but a higher impact slamming on the road.  My hip took most of the brunt of it, followed by my head.  Nothing broken (phew). but my hip still has a hematoma, which is finally down enough to start to give way to a nasty bruise.  I have a couple questions for veterans:
-How long does recovery usually take?  I am still really limping, can't walk/stand for more than about 5 min, and in quite a bit of pain after a full week.  Tried easing off the prescription pain killers, but can't really move at all without them yet (too much pressure on the hip and lower back).
-Ice vs heat?  Iced the first few days, now trying heat.  Neither seems to be working particularly well.
-My helmet is dented, but can't see a crack.  Can I still use it?

I would appreciate ANY advice or support, please.  This was my first real crash and I just can't believe how slow the recovery seems to be.  It is awfully frustrating for active people like ourselves to be immobile :(


A frustrated gimp

Lance To Visit

Following comment copied from Biker's Choice Facebook page.  Maybe Gary can replace his cardboard cut-off with something real.
Got to admit, I am getting pretty pumped about watching Craig Evans take on Lance Armstrong at Lock 4 and the new Wessington Warrior Trail. May 24th-May 26th.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Country Music Marathon Cycle Support

 On April 27 the Country Music Marathon is happening in Nashville. I am gathering the support cyclists to escort the elite runners, celebrity runners and wheelchair marathoners.  If you are interested in being one of the cyclists, please call me.   The requirements are simple. For the half marathon you need to be able to maintain 12 mph for 1 hour and 10 minutes. For the full marathon you need to be able to maintain that speed for 2.5 hours.  My past experiences have been great with this event, we meet at 530 at titan stadium and bike through closed roads up to the Starting Line at the  intersection of Elliston  and West End where we go into the VIP area and meet with the race director to get our final instructions and assignments ( and some food and coffee ).

 615 516 9869

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Crash report

Thanks to all those who helped me limp in after my stupid crash today. I was daydreaming and did not pay attention to the speed the gentle appearing hill was creating.  Then I panicked and applied my brakes. Reports are it was spectacular. Where's the helmet cam when you need it?
After a shower and full body inspection, nothing looks to be of any concern.  I should be back in the saddle early next week.

New Menu Item for Bob's Pool Party

Duck Dynasty has nothing over us.  How about a Redneck TURTLE burger

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bicycle Recall

Specialized bicycles and frame sets sold sold at authorized dealers (think Biker's Choice) from July 2011 through January 2013 have a defective steerer tube in the front fork that can break and present a fall hazard. Models include TarmacSL4, Crux, and Secteur.  If you have one take it to any authorized dealer for a free inspection and, if needed, a free repair.  Call 877-808-8154 for more info.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nashville Bike Month

What: Bike Month Kickoff Party/
           Native Magazine May Issue Party
When: 5/5/13, afternoon, time TBA
Where: East Centric Pavilion,
             1006 Fatherland Street, #105, Nashville

Native Magazine is throwing a great big party to kick off Bike Month (click here for LOTS of info) and to celebrate the release of their May issue. Expect great local music, tasty beer, and bicycles everywhere. Native is generously inviting Nashville's bike community to be involved at this event at no cost. We can reserve a 10' x 10' space for your organization to set up a table, tent, etc.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Memorial Ride

Ride to Remember Stacey Lee Floyd 
April 20, 2013
8am Manchester Recreation Center, 
Manchester TN 37355

Stacey Floyd was a father of 4 children, a loving husband, and an avid cyclist.  He was killed instantly when he was hit from behind while riding bicycles with his family on a rural road in Coffee County on April 11, 2012.