Sunday, June 16, 2013

Great Time in Lexington

      Thanks to Mike and Sherry who put on a great weekend in Lexington.  The long riders did their 74-mile ride and the Turtles did their 54-mile ride (with obligatory spotting of six turtles) with no incidents.  We had great parties at dinner, great routes, and few of us even got to spend some time in the home of the past mayor of Lexington, H. Foster Pettit and his gracious wife.  These over-night tours are the epitome of the comradery that makes the Fogbees special and "away events" not to be missed.
      JR took thousands of pictures, well maybe just a few hundred while muttering, "These are for Janice."  We also suspect that Phil kept even pace with JR.  He was true to Turtle Ride form, stopping frequently to capture images along our great route.  They better share.
      The hotel selection could not have been better.  We were right in the middle of a hopin' and partying Lexington with almost everything within walking distance.  Thanks again MIke and Sherry. Ya dun gud.


GARY said...

I second that! Except I deduct 10 points on Mike for the 5500 ft of climbing. Miley would be proud...

Woody said...

I could not agree more!! This was an awesome trip with great folks. Thank You Mike and Sherry you were gracious host.
Yes I have many pics mostly of the after ride events; and most that I took and will share (will send to Janice so she can post). But in what I am sure is true Fogbee style a few that "someone; others" took while I was away from the table for a few moments..priceless..
Stay tuned . . .

David S said...

Great Day, Great Route, Great Ride, Great Friends!!

Thanks to Mike and Sherry for organizing this Great Event.

H. Parish said...

As the new guy in the group I want to say thanks to everyone making us feel welcome this weekend. It was a great time with outstanding people

JoHo said...

Join this with the 20 some Fogbees that did the Big Hill ride it was a great day to be alive and be in TN or KY or the top side of the grass. Ya know?