Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fogbee Jerseys

New Order in the Works

If you're interested in getting a new Fogbee Jersey, now's the time to place your order.  Deadline for payment is August 10th and no later.  We'd like our order placed soon, so we can receive our jerseys by the end of September.  (Perfect timing if your needing a long sleeve, for fall and winter riding.)

Short Sleeve $41
Long Sleeve $52
Sleeveless $41

Please indicate your desire to order a jersey, on this blog post or the fogbee facebook post and I will contact you to iron out details such as size, style and payment.

Thanks so much for your prompt responses.  The sooner we can get our order in the better.  :-)   
Janice Yoste


Woody said...

J..Put me down for one long sleeve and one short sleeve Medium please. (unless sizing chart shows different)

H. Parish said...

I would like a long and short sleeve XL please

Todd Jarrell said...

Are the graphics the same as the current ones?

monsieur cannonball said...

One short sleeve and one long sleeve please. Let me know when sizing available please. Thanks for offering to pull this together, Janice. Everyone needs to support Janice and the FOGBEES. Placing an order and paying in timely fashion will make it happen :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to order one but need to know how they fit. I currently have an XL Race fit that is slightly big and way to long for me. I've worn it once if anyone thinks it'll fit. I'm 5' 11' and 177 lbs so it'd probably fit someone around 6' to 6'1, 185 lbs or so.
I'd also like to know if the graphics are changing.

Janice said...

Graphics will be the same. Slight change in the yellow shade of the bee. And a slight lightening of the color behind the bee so you can see the biker graphics in the background. The minor color changes will give the jersey better color contrast, but no changes in design.
We are removing the Sumner County logo on the sleeves, but no one will notice that change, I'm sure.

I have everyones requests that have posted so far. You will be hearing from me very soon to shore up details and payment. Thanks, Janice

John P said...

Kim wants to order a short sleeve jersey

Todd Jarrell said...

I'll take a L short sleeve.