Wednesday, January 15, 2014

RAGBRAI Information and Organization Meeting Wednesday Jan 15 7:00pm

For those of you who are not aware, the FOGBEES are forming a group of riders to participate in the Registers Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa July 20 to 26 known as RAGBRAI.  We are blessed to have 2 former participants who will share information and experiences about the ride, Shan Boone and SpinJunkie Charlene Alcorn.  We will have registration information available too.  The meeting is at my house (Doug Depew's) at 7:00pm Wednesday.  Snacks and soft drinks provided BYOB.

Even if you aren't interested in this year, this will be a great time to come hang out with friends and learn about this grand ride!!  Help us by posting, if you need address or directions call me on my Google Voice Number at 431-9821.


Mark H said...

I will be there.
I want to do this ride while able.
I have heard nothing but good from many who have ridden it.

danny said...

I too plan on attending

Tango Bravo said...

Doug...Burke Smith has done this ride over 20 times. He would be another good source of info.

Ed T said...

I will be there

Woody said...

See you Wednesday.

Blog Admin said...

Those of you attending the meeting at Doug Depews home tomorrow night to learn more about are welcome to check out my FB Album, "Ragbrai 2009" for a taste of a week in the corn. It was epic!
Charlene Clark Alcorn

Docbruw said...

I hope some of the videos I have play. I watched some of them a few days ago and got a good laugh.