Saturday, September 20, 2014

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

The 500-mile Grand Tetons and Yellowstone bike ride exceeded everyone's expectations by a considerable margin.  The 17.5 GB and nearly 4000 pictures and videos attest to how spectacular our 9-day ride was.  We have since opened our planning website to the public at .  It will take a while longer to digest the photos and videos for sharing.
We have, however, three awards for our trip.  King of the Mountain goes to Andrew, who was the first to climb the 9500-foot plus Teton and Dunraven passes without gasping for oxygen and then make the ten-mile downhill harrowing descents without launching himself off a cliff. The EFI goes to Anne and Ben Cowan who never allowed anything to stand in their way to riding Every Fantastic Inch of our route.  The Ultimate Tourist goes to Dean who with boundless energy never missed any tourist attraction along the route.;


Unknown said...

I am green... with envy! So glad you all had a fabulous trip. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Caledonia said...

Chapeau! Well done!! Looking forward to the photos and videos!

Andrew said...

The ride was awesome! Thank you so much Bruce, Dave and Tom for putting it together!

monsieur cannonball said...
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monsieur cannonball said...

I'll raise a toast to your accomplishment !

Ed T said...

Sounds fantastic indeed. Sorry I had to miss it (but not the ride there and back).

John Cummins said...

Yeah, can't wait for some photos.