Sunday, January 25, 2015

23% Property Tax Increase

If you are a Sumner Co Fogbee homeowner you know how painful this tax increase is.  This was done without public discussion behind closed doors.  We have a chance to show our disgust for this kind of government action tomorrw night..  As many of us as possible should Bee there!!
Breaking News - Our efforts are paying off. On Monday the Legislative Committee decided to have a public hearing on the Property tax increase at the County Commission meeting on Monday January 26 at 7PM. This is a HUGE win for us. PLEASE Mark your calenders now and join us at the commission meeting. It is absolutely essential that we have a good crowd or the commission will continue to dismiss our concerns. The meeting will be on Monday January 26 at 7PM at the County Building at 355 N Belvedere Dr, Gallatin, TN 37066.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Miscellanous Updates

     The Membership List is up-to-date.  It can be found by clicking here.  We didn't intend to remove anyone, so if you can't find your name or need the password, please send me a note at
     MailChimp also engaged in a little monkey business and deactivated the link to the article on FOGBEE history.  If you want to know how it all happened click here.
     Lastly, our article about our latest IRONMAN will hit the streets around mid February.  If you want to get a jump on the publication click here.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Yesterday's balmy late morning temps brought out a pack of cabin fevered FOGBEES !
One vaguely familiar rider has been dubbed Captain Neon ( aka The Wiz of Fog ).  Several dogs were spotted trying to chase said rider down with one paw over their eyes.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


On Monday 1/12/15, we sent out Notices to Terminate to 29 email addresses that appear to be "dead" as determined by MailChimp tracking.  Since then, we have received 11 requests not to terminate.  That leaves 18 email addresses to be removed.

Please DOUBLE CHECK your email 
to be sure you haven't received a notice from us.  

Some notices went to people who we know are active, but likely we have old email addresses that they don't use.   
On Saturday 1/17/15 we will delete those addresses 
and remove their access to our blog.  

On Sunday 1/18/15, we will issue the January FOGBEE Newsletter to the remaining addresses.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Awesome Spin turnout....Spinning together is the Fogbee way...

GoPro FOGBEE Ride -- From Long Beach CA

To Fogbees,
. . I wanted to thank the Fogbees for a great ride in Joelton on 12/26/14. I thought I would join your club ride while I was visiting in Tennessee. It was a great ride with very friendly and experienced cyclists.
. . Usually, I ride on Pacific Coast Highway in Long Beach, California which is flat as a pancake. The Joelton route was just fantastic.
. . Please pass on my thanks to all who rode on 12/26/14. Below is a You Tube Video I made. Can someone post on your you tube page. Mush appreciated. See you next year when I am visiting relatives.
Lightning Velo Bicycle Club
Long Beach, Ca.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Gloves found on New Years Ride

Body Geometry gloves found in parking lot. Call Doug at 615-431-9821 to claim.