Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Help Needed - Saturday 3/21/15 @ 8AM

Tom, Maybe you can help with this. I offered to help the Gene Brown Elementary School’s PTO with their 5K fund-raiser this weekend. They needed a cyclist to lead the runners. I have just found out that they have nobody but me to help. And, I need help.
      I need at least two more guys. Four or five more would be better. Can you send an email to the Fogbees seeking volunteers?  The first event is a 5k that starts at 8:00. The 1-mile run starts at 9:00. Both originate from the school on Imperial Drive near the post office.  We really need a couple guys riding through the winding course, leading the different packs of runners. The 1-mile race could use a couple as well.

Thank you, Jamie Clary
Facebook: Jamie Clary for Mayor of Hendersonville
Please contact Jamie at jamieclary@comcast.net


David S said...

I will assist with the Gene Brown Elementary School fundraiser this Saturday.

Then we can organize a Fogbee ride afterwards.

coastdownhills said...

I'll be there Sat morning and do the Fogbee Turtle ride afterward.