Saturday, January 2, 2016

Membership Maintenance - Some say, "Goodbye?"

1/2/16 UPDATE: I have sent an email notice to people who have not responded to this earlier post.  I will be removing those listed on this post on January 15, 2016

Original Posting: 11/5/15, followup 12/6/15
As you all know we use the response to our email to determine who wish to continue to be on our membership list. I have compiled a list of those whom MailChimp says are non-responsive.  It could be for a couple of reasons:
1) We have the wrong email address -- Please send a note to
2) They opened the message in TEXT ONLY mode -- Please send a note to
3) The Newsletter ended up in their SPAM folder -- Please send a note to
4) They haven't open their email in a week -- We'll wait another month
5) They are no longer interested -- we'll remove them in January

If you know any of the following and know they don't want to be removed, please contact them to either open the Newsletter or send us a note at

Thanks for everyone's help to clear up our membership listing  I will remove the following people from our Membership Lists in the first week of January.

Members Listing to be Removed
Chris Ashton 2
Melissa Ausland 2
Stacy Cline 2
Micalah Crafton 2
Scott Danton 2
Julie Deakins 2
Sheryl Forman 2
Jeannie Larrea-Manzano 2
Ernest Müller 2
Byron Smith 2
Sarah Swale 2
Daniel Swale 2
Steve Tinsley 2
lori underwood 2
Dave Wilson 2
Kenneth Zahn Jr. 2


Unknown said...

Please dont remove me from the list! Thank you!

JoHo said...

There seem to be two list and I'm not sure the difference. I opened the newsletter and could see pictures. Does that validate me to stay on the good list?

Blog Admin said...

To stay on the list, just comment, send an email to, or open the Fall Newsletter with HTML enabled. Those with a 2 rating are deemed to be inactive and uninterested.
Lastly, if the Newsletter "bounces" from the email address that you have registered, you are automatically removed. That has been rare.

Mike said...

Tom, Craig Ostrom, Jason Wright, Doug Couvillion, Doug Hardin still ride with us and/or do spin class. I would leave them on.

Blog Admin said...

Okay, I have delted their names from the "Remove List"