Thursday, November 21, 2019

Natchez Trace Parkway

The Natchez Trace Parkway is a 444 mile long designated bike route through the states of Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. It is a beautiful road that is shared by motor vehicles, cyclists, hikers, and many other users who enjoy it's quiet, natural experience through history and as such it is one of our most popular bike routes. However, the National Park Service is proposing to add rumble strips to certain sections of the Natchez Trace Parkway to make it "safer" for distracted drivers, but at the same time make it more challenging and potentially dangerous for cyclists and other non motorized travelers.

I oppose this proposed project and encourage my Fogbee friends to make their voices heard as the NPS is currently soliciting comments on this subject until Friday December 20, 2019. I know a little about the planning process so don’t just send in a comment saying you are against this proposal. You have to be specific as to why you are opposed to this project. Hit the below link and make a difference by making your opinion known.

1 comment:

coastdownhills said...

Good Catch Brian. I've been missing in action on the advocacy front for a couple of years but will for sure make a comment. Will also make sure the folks at Adventure Cycling are aware. A few years ago Adventure Cycling and the National Park service had and understanding to make the parks more cycle friendly. That may be abandoned or just dormant.