Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Doping Dilemma

. . .Nothing is more physically crushing and psychologically demoralizing than getting dropped on a climb. With searing lungs and burning legs, your body hunches over the handlebars as you struggle to stay with the leader. Once you come off the back of the pack, the drive to push harder is gone. About halfway up a leg-breaking climb, that familiar wave of crushing fatigue sweeps through your legs as you gulp for oxygen in the struggle to hang on.
. . .Cyclists on the 1984 U.S. Olympic cycling team told how they had injected themselves with extra blood before races, either their own or that of someone else with the same blood type. “Blood doping,” as the practice is called, was not banned at the time. . . Click the title to read more.


GARY said...

Fellow bloggers...also note the relatively new practice of "Beer Doping", a practice know to be prevalent in the jungle area of southwest Big L's.

Doug_D said...

Where can I get some recombinant erythropoietin (r-EPO) that helps stem pain on the hills?? GIMMEEE PLEASE!!!