Monday, July 7, 2008

Jersey - In Production

Hello Doug, I have received your signed layouts and will be putting your order into the early stages of production later today. I hope you are pleased with the resulting product and I thank you for your time and business, have a great day. Cheers,
Nick Beaulieu, Graphic Designer
Louis Garneau USA Inc.

. . . Nick says, "Expect Jersey delivery by September 1'st."

7/11/08: Thanks to the "smartly dressed" Dave Miley and Dave Buckman who showup for rides with shorts matching their jerseys, I have been asked, "Where are our shorts?" I do plan to design shorts. I just had jersey fatigue. This weekend I will have samples for your inspection.


Doug_D said...

Ed - Do you think we need another video?

Ed T said...

I will have to find the final final pattern parts first.