Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fogbee Lite Injured


Just got email from Tim. He is home and doing ok. He plans to post a blog update soon.
Bruce 9/25/08

Tim (AKA: Nik the Stik) suffered a fractured femur on the milkshake ride today. He was transported by ambulance to Skyline Medical Center and is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning. The plan is for Tim to be ambulatory with crutches and/or a walker by Sunday evening, although his leg will be non-weight bearing for a minimum of 6 weeks. Additional info to follow as it becomes available.



Tom_E said...

Tommy, thanks for checking and reporting.

For those not aware of the accident, Tim fell sideways on his hip onto the road while trying to unclip from his pedals (SPD-SL type) at the stop street in front of Thomas Drug Store. He had just gotten new clip-in and had not quite mastered the release.

Christy said...

Thanks for the update. I happened to be coming through Cross Plains with the horses right after his fall and could tell it was worse than our usual topples.

BOB G. said...

Thanks, for the update let’s all keep Tim in our thoughts and prayers.

monsieur cannonball said...

Tim, having "felt" the caress of the pavement, I feel your pain. If I may, let me encourage you to get back on your bike as soon as your able. You'll have a bunch of cheerleaders waiting for you. The FOGBEES are pretty good healers on and off the bike.

BOB G. said...

I spoke with Tim today and he was in good spirits and recovering from surgery. He said to tell everyone hello.

philandlisa said...

I talked to Tim yesterday as well. He was very appreciative of the help he received, especially from Tommy and Rhonda, on Saturday. He hopes to be discharged from the hospital on Wednesday.
