Thursday, July 23, 2009

OOPS! . . .


I have not been hanging around the blog for a while. Shame on me.

I have not been on a FOGBEE ride in a while. Double Shame on me.

I have not visited everyone at BL's in quite a long, long while. Triple Shame on me.

Everything is fine--just a few issues of getting back on a bike, and riding the roads, that no one can resolve but me. Thanks to Tom Evans for suggesting that everyone at least deserves to know all is well.

But that Tom, or anyone else, needed to remind me of the egregiousness in this lack of communication is just not right. And to all an apology is given.

The promise to ride again soon is etched in stone. After all, I have three FOGBEES jerseys just begging for a reason to need laundering. And I have a bounty of friendships that I would not trade for a Powerball payoff (well maybe if it were $100M, but even then I'd share a bit with everyone).

Hope everyone is planning on attending at least one of the area Nashville MPO meetings July 27-30 (Davidson is 7/27; Sumner is 7/30). Also look to seeing a strong FOGBEE turnout for the August 8th state association founders chinwag.


1 comment:

coastdownhills said...

Good to hear from you. You are not the only one gone missing. I've been occupied with other things and the time for cycling issues have been devoted to getting ready for a 5 day ride with my Aussie buddy and some behind the scenes for the August 8 founders meeting. Thanks for posting the MPO meetings. I had intended to do that but then something shiny caught my eye and I never got back on task.