Thursday, December 31, 2009

Silver Comet Spring Ride Survey

Only 19 respondents on the Monkey so far. Please TAKE THE SURVEY - It is short!!

It is never too early to start planning a ride event. For several years we have talked about riding the Chief Ladiga and Silver Comet Trails that Run from Anniston Alabama to Atlanta Georgia. I personally have ridden the entire Silver Comet and it is a beautiful all trail ride. I am attaching a survey to this to get some initial feedback. Once you have taken the survey, please post. Please copy the link below into your browser and answer the questions.

Click Here For Survey


BOB G. said...

I just finished the survey.

Queenie said...

I took the survey.

Doug_M said...

Just finished the survey.

philandlisa said...

We took the survey.

James C said...

Just finished survey

Nancy_P said...

I just took survey. Love that ride. I do it every summer.

Miley said...

I completed the survey.

monsieur cannonball said...

All I want for Christmas is to ride the Silver Comet with my fellow FOGBEES

GARY said...

Done commander!

Anne said...

I completed the survey.

Christy said...

Guess I was supposed to post upon completion. :-) Yep, I did it, too!

Tango Bravo said...

I did the survey but did not post.

Curtis _M said...

all done ... sounds fun

Nancy_P said...

Doug, the Tour de Cure is May 22nd.Just thought you might want that info. Several of us are doing it again this year.

Scott Mena said...

Done General!!