Friday, June 4, 2010

Volunteers Needed

An advocacy opportunity for people that really want to do something. These are activities that are direct and have proven results, one in Williamson County's backyard, the other in Murfreesboro.

FYI - Drew Jacobs is employed part-time by Walk/Bike Nashville for Train the Trainer, and is working a contract grant through YMCA of Middle Tennessee issued by the SRTS National Partnership. I can count the number of people across Tennessee paid to promote bicycling on one hand. But obviously they're making big differences.

From Drew:

"I need some help next week with two events, one is a Train the Trainers event in Thompson's Station on Tuesday June 8th and the second is a more bicycle rodeo style event at a boy scout day camp in Murfreesboro on Friday June 11th.

For the June 8th event, I mainly need volunteers to help out in the afternoon with the on bike portion. For June 8th, I will also need someone to haul the trailer to Thompson's Station and back.

For the June 11th event, there will be something like 300 kids. The boy scout troop will have their own volunteers but obviously, the more we can bring to handle our materials, the better. I will be meeting with the director of this event on Friday June 4th, and will have more in depth details then about volunteer needs and how the day will go."

Essentially "Train the Trainer" teaches PE teachers to train kids on how to walk and ride to school safely. These are your future adult riders that will spend less time playing video games and more time working on that childhood obesity problem in our state.

If you want to help, please contact Drew Jacobs at

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