Thursday, July 29, 2010

Miscellaneous Info

In the past several months we have had quite a few new FOGBEES join. It is certainly great to see the Club growing.
JERSEYS: Several have asked where can I get a jersey. Unfortunately, Bob just completed an order and I am not sure of his plans. However, we have several people who no longer ride with the group and may wish to sell their jersey. If you know about any jerseys for sale, please have them send their info to We'll post their offer in our Swap Shop.

We can order jerseys anytime as long as we have a minimum of 10 pcs. Bob G.
PHOTOS: Please remember we have a GREAT photo website at (see link in menu above.) We no longer use Snapfish.
MEMBERS LIST: The membership list is up-to-date. If you forgot the password to open it, ask a FOGBEE.
CALENDAR: Please watch the calendar. This thing really works great. If you have an event that other FOGBEES should know about, put it on the calendar. If you have any trouble with it, send for help at the above noted email address.

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