Thursday, June 30, 2011

The laws of motion: Drivers to face stricter penalties for striking bicyclists, pedestrians

Tomorrow it becomes law. Bike Walk Tennessee, a statewide organization advocating for bicyclist and pedestrian rights, started drafting the law in February after hearing reports of bicyclists and pedestrians who were killed by drivers who went on to face what Bike Walk Tennessee believes are paltry charges.

"We've seen people get run over and killed with no consequences. This law brings criminal consequences and increases the possibility of having a civil lawsuit as well," said Caroline Cooley, a Knoxville member of the board of directors for Bike Walk Tennessee.

FYI: The FOGBEES were a critical component in the formation of Bike Walk Tennessee.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happliy Ever After

The rumor is true. Two more Fogbees unite. Hope to see everyone soon.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The honorable Wizard of FOG will engage the White House Rotary at high noon sharing tales of greenways, FOGBEES, and rumble strips.

Please pump up your tires and oil your chains in recognition of all that he has done and continues to do to perpetuate our favorite past time.

Hip Hip Hooray ! Can Tom come out and play ? ( :

Monday, June 20, 2011

Inaugural Cycle for Life

 Join TEAM FOGBEES & Captain Phil
Join us for our Inaugural bike tour in Tennessee as we ride through some of the most scenic terrain in Historic Bethpage, TN.
There are two mileage options:
30 and 65 miles
Cycle at your own pace.
The CF Cycle For Life is fully supported with well stocked rest stops, bike mechanics, ride marshals, breakfast, lunch and much more.  Don't miss out! 
How To Get Your Wheels In Motion:
Join the CF Cycle For Life. Cycle with a team  of co-workers, friends or family members and make a difference.
Father's Day Special
Two days only.. June 19 & 20: $5.00
Date: 4-22-11 - 8-31-11: $15
Date: 9-1-11 - 10-21-11: $25
Event Day: 10-22-11: $35

For More Details CLICK HERE

Saturday, June 18, 2011

“Sorry I Didn’t See You” is no longer a legal excuse

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (June 20, 2011) With four grandchildren and eight great children, Jerry Norman, 74, wanted to keep fit and active to enjoy their company. So, on the advice of his doctor, Norman took up walking. But, on his regular early morning walk on June 29, 2010, a driver fell asleep at the wheel and killed Norman while he walked on a Nashville sidewalk. His family suffered the loss of a loved one — and a travesty of justice when, under current Tennessee law, the motorist could not be prosecuted for any crime.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Joann says "Check out the photos on Shutterfly"

FOGBEES Well Represented @ Harpeth River Ride

In spite of crowded roads, multiple flat tires, hot temps, and repeated PUC's, the FOGBEES finished in the style we've become acquainted with and known for.

Some may ride further, faster, and lighter in the saddle, but the FOGBEES can't be beat when it comes to having fun !

Thanks for the good miles and the good times.

" For the Best Draft"

Radio Shack Member Bjorn Selander at a rest stop

Yes Lance Armstong was at the Harpeth River Ride

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I like Lance


I am going down to Nissan @ Cool Springs tomorrow to pick up registration packet for the Harpeth River Ride. Plan to leave H'ville at 2:30 and return promptly to avoid rush hour traffic. Anyone interested in riding with me ? Also, has anyone considered carpooling strategy for Saturday morning ?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Note from Yik

Hi fellow fogbees,
My name is Yik Yang.  I rode with you a few times in the past.  One year ago, I had a serious cycling accident on long hollow pike.  Some of you called me and even visited me, and I would like to express my appreciation to you.  Thank you for your love and care.  After the accident, I was flew to the ICU.  After a few days in the ICU, I was transferred to the rehab hospital.  I stayed in the hospital for about 2 weeks.  After that, I rested at home for about 2 months before I went back to work.  It was really a miracle that I am alive and working.  When I was admitted into the ICU, the doctors said that I probably will not survive, since I had serious head injuries.  After I survived, the doctor said that I will never be an engineer again, since I was injuried on the left side of my brain (logical side).  Now, I have lived another year (hopefully, many more years to come), and I am still doing fine as an engineer.  I am totally recovered.  Thank God! 
I am so glad that I rode with all of you.  I am taking another job in CO, so I will be moving.  I meant to meet up with you guys once more, but I missed my chance.  When you come to CO, let me know, I will show you around.  So many cyclists and routes in CO.  I am really jealous, but my wife would kill me first before I buy another bike :)
Yik Yang

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wounded Warrior Ride - Sep 24'th

The Information on the Wounded Warrior Ride is now in!  The date remains 4'th weekend in September and a week before the Jack 'n Back, but participants must now raise $150 by September 24'th in order to participate.  For more information click here.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Faces of Pain

Some of you have asked how I am doing, so in keeping with FOGBEE tradition I am going to show you. Enjoy and Ride safely!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cannonball exceeds 55MPH

. . Unquestionably on October 22'nd we'll be treated to the most spectacular views of Middle Tennessee in the first ever Cystic Fibrosis Cycle for LifeBruce and Miley have conspired on the most breath-taking route through Sumner, Macon, and Trousdale counties with views that match anything in the Smokey Mountains.  Exhilarated by what he was seeing on our Friday scouting trip by bike, the Cannonball coasted down Ford Branch at over 55MPH.  He said, "I could have hit 60MPH, but a twinge in my shoulder reminded me to slow down."
. . The event will be climaxed with a party on the hill.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Borrow a Bike

My nephew, age 30-ish and an experienced bike rider, is visiting this week.  Since he flew in, he couldn’t bring his bike.  He’s too tall for our bikes.  Does anyone have a 58 (or something close) that we could borrow until next Wednesday? Our phone number is 230-1710.   
Thanks,  Carol and Cliff Hardison

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lance Armstrong Riding Harpeth River Ride - Get in while you can!

Lance Armstrong's manager announced yesterday that Lance will attend the Harpeth River Ride (thanks to Nissan). If you're thinking about riding but haven't yet registered, don't wait - with this news, the 1500 rider limit may quickly be reached.