Sunday, August 14, 2011

Senator Roberts appointed to Transportation Coordination Committee

Remember Kerry Roberts?  He's the guy that owns bike shops. Well . . .

(NASHVILLE, TN), August 11, 2011 – State Senator Kerry Roberts (R-Springfield) has been appointed to a special joint committee charged with creating a five-year strategic transportation coordination plan for Tennessee.  The plan will guide the state’s efforts to improve transportation coordination of state and local governments to increase effectiveness and financial efficiency.  The announcement regarding the appointment was made during a meeting in Sumner County which featured Tennessee Transportation Commissioner John Schroer.

“Senator Roberts is a perfect fit for this special committee to investigate how we can maximize efficiencies within state government regarding transportation needs,” said Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey, who made the appointment.  “The coordination of our transportation system is key to our economic health and very important to our state budget’s bottom line.  Sen. Roberts will give it the attention to detail needed to realize efficiencies and maximize opportunities.”
The committee consists of four members of the General Assembly, as well as a representative from various departments of state government and a member of the Public Transportation Association.  The group will study the improvement of methods of delivery and coordination of transportation services by state departments and agencies, as well as transportation provided by local government and non-profit agencies that are funded by Tennessee taxpayers.  In addition, they will study the effectiveness of existing services, the need for new types of services, improvements in the effective use of existing funding, reduction of barriers to the effective funding of transportation services, identification of new sources of transportation funding and improvement in the universal mobility for Tennessee citizens and visitors to the state.
“We have a significant challenge in front of us,” Senator Roberts said.  “I am looking forward to being a part of finding solutions to meet Tennessee’s transportation needs in the most efficient and effective manner.”

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