Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Next week, everyone on our membership list will receive an email from with an invitation to join this group.  It is a ListServ which our ride and event leaders can use to send club announcements.  It's private; nobody else can send email with it.

Your response also allows us to update the club membership list and to re-authorize people to POST to our blog. Families only need to respond once, unless the spouse wants his/her own separate listing.  If you don’t accept our invitation by January 1’st, we will delete your record.

Unfortunately, some of our email addresses may be out-of-date (one of the reasons for the update) and during the winter months many don't read the blog. Please help by notifying others that they need to reconfirm their membership.  If you don’t receive something in the next couple of weeks send us a note at . We don't want to lose anyone.

Bottle Cage Warning

On my last ride my bottle cage broke. No big deal. Just remove the bad cage and put on a new one. Should be among the easier repairs. To quote The Band Perry, "Uh,Oh!"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

IMPORTANT: Web Site Rebuild & Membership RE-ENROLLMENT

. . Our website was built in 2008 and much of the content is stale.  Also, some of the recent Web Browser updates have buggered up the font rendering.  I just had to reformat everything.
. . As I was redoing every page I noticed just how out-of-date much of it is and how badly everything needs a total redesign

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Burn the Calories Off Ride From the Gerst Haus 11/25

Sherry and I are going to ride from the Gerst Haus Friday morning at 9:00AM to the dam and back.  We will have lunch at the Gerst afterwards.   All are welcome to join us. 

Mike Knake

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chistmas Lights Route DEC 22'nd

Here is the route we are considering for the Christmas Lights Ride.  It is a little over 14 miles in length and focuses on passing through Hendersonville's major shopping areas. I expect it will take us two hours to complete (6:30 to 8:30).  Bruce is pulling a wagon with our Christmas Tree and boom-box.
. . We are also considering Media Coverage this year, but are hesitant to contact them until we have a reasonable idea on who plans to participate.  This ride is open to everyone. Please share your plans with a COMMENT.  No need to repeat if you commented on the initial XMAS Lights POST. (If not a FOGBEE, mail to

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What's a FOGBEE?

Much better when watched in FULL SCREEN! Click on the little box.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fast old guy on an old bike


As the saying goes, "If you fall off the horse, get back on it." Or perhaps, "Where there's a will, there's a way." In legendary ultra cyclist Michael Secrest's case, he had to get back on his 1996 GT track bike on nine different occasions, over the span of several years, before he finally broke the 100-mile indoor track cycling record. He did this at age 58! Bravo, Michael! Here's a write-up about this incredible, multiple world record-breaking achievement from

On his 9th attempt, 58-year-old Michael Secrest set a new indoor 100-mile world record on October 15, 2011. Secrest covered the 100 miles (161 km) on the Home Depot Center Velodrome track in 3 hours, 46 minutes, 16 seconds - at 26.52 mph (42.68 kph).

Friday, November 11, 2011

2'nd Annual Christmas Lights Ride - Dec 22, 2011

The Second Annual Christmas Light Ride is THURSDAY December 22'th. The DATE CHANGE was to accommodate the schedules of our original participants. We are still working out the details and there will be more to come. We are going to ask that everyone who participates to bring a unwrapped toy. The toys will be given to the Toys for Tots Program.

The ride will start from parking lot in front of Jolly Olly at 6:30PM and ride a short distance, no more than 10 to 15 miles. It'll be really slow. Jolly Olly is delighted to host our after-the-ride party. If you need help decorating, go to our webpage. Santa has many helpers willing to assist. All you need are Christmas lights and duct tape (Duct tape and Christmas lights sounds kind of redneckie to me but we are the Fogbees).


You don't have to be a FOGBEE to ride.

Greenways & Trails

This month's issue features grant opportunities, communities taking action on obesity, and cities in the news. Click Here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Morning Ride

Now that I got your attention with this spectacular photo from Phil Vickery on his drive into Whitehouse last week, I wanted to tell you that Sycamore Springs and Demos have confirmed to support our 2012 Cycle For Life Ride on October 27'th.  Don't forget to visit our webpage click here to view more of Phil's and Don's (Claussen) creativity of the Inaugural event.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Cystic Fibrosis Ride For Life

. . Our inaugural Cystic Fibrosis Ride for Life raises $21,000 for Cystic Fibrosis.  The committee has met and selected October 27, 2012 (4'th weekend in October is OURS) for next year's event.  MARK YOUR CALENDARS.
. . The army of volunteers did fantastic, providing a long list of accolades from participants. So we aren't changing anything.  The only thing we have been asked to do is -- get the word out earlier.  Tell everyone! Be alert for some special offers.
. . Pictures, slide shows, and photo shows are available on our website.  Click here or click on the link above in the header navigation.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

They're Everywhere, Almost

I am sure everyone has seen sharrows popping up on many of our state roads in Tennessee.  Jessica Wilson of TDOT says “This is part of TDOT's recent effort to add bicycle facilities to resurfacing projects when it is listed in a local plan- i.e. Charlotte Pike, James Robertson Blvd., SR-17 in Chattanooga, etc...”  If you don’t know what sharrows are, follow this link

Jessica’s comment caused me to reflect on how a group of middle Tennessee bicyclists met with TDOT officials three years ago, almost to this date, to protest the rumbling of bicycle routes.  We used rumbling of a popular shoulder on SR 109 in Sumner County as our rallying point. The outcome of that meeting was not exactly what we expected.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What a Party! Just look at who showed up!

I wanted to thank everyone who attended the biggest Fogbee Halloween Party ever. Over 80 party people rocked the night away with games, prizes, a special wedding dance by "the newlyweds", a tribute to Jennifer (who is moving away) and who led the party goers on a "train" ride and all the other fun and Fogbee hospitality that prevailed that night. The food was outrageous, the costumes were great and the dancing didn't end until midnight. A slide show will be up on the blog in the next week for you to laugh at. See you next year!