Sunday, December 16, 2012

It Was a Great Party

. . Hendersonville got to see 24 FOGBEES and their friends at their finest.  A spectacular ride and generous gift collection.  Thanks go to Chairman Bob who made this year's Christmas Lights Ride  better that the previous, to Doug who got us the perfect place to celebrate post-ride, and to Gary who led us to make Christmas memorable for at least nine children.
. . Last year, I selected our "Best in Show," but so many riders exceeded the previous great displays that I'll have to nominate everyone.
. . Lastly, remember that little elf that followed the group around.  She took pictures and videos everywhere and plans to put it all together in one big commemorative.  Can't wait to see what Chief Santa Elf Sarah creates.  Merry Christmas to all and thanks for a great ride.
Some images from the Day contingent are on Shutterfly. Click Here


Ed T said...

Great time indeed. Thanks to everyone for a great success. At this rate of upgrades, I can't imagine what the parade will look like next year.

GARY said...

It was a most enjoyable, happy, fun, exciting, great, spectacular, wonderful, joyous, supercalafrajulisticxpalidocious(not spelled correctly) and heartwarming ride. I say a BIG thank you to everyone who gave gifts for needy children, spent hours placing lights on their bikes, dressed up in fun costumes, riding and giving their time to brighten up the lives of those who saw us ride in Hendersonville. With all the terrible things that have happened lately in this country, and especially last week, we hopefully made young and old alike smile and feel good last Saturday night. Good job FOGBEES!!!!!!

monsieur cannonball said...

Can't wait 'til next year !
Definitely got me in the spirit !