Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas Lights Ride Dec 12th 2015

C H R I S T M A S  L I G H T S  R I D E
DEC 12, 2015
Tentative Start Time 5:30pm

This ride is now part of the Hendersonville Holiday Fest, so it is an honor for our cycling club.
    If you are not familiar with this ride, it is an opportunity to decorate and light up your bicycle with Holiday lights and ride some of the streets of Hendersonville spreading some holiday cheer.  Everyone who sees us seems amazed at the spectacle!!  This ride is really a bicycle parade.  We have arranged a police escort and the tentative route is less than 10 miles which opens it up for a family activity.  
    Now is a good time to plan your bike décor and if needed purchase any battery powered lighting that you may need.  In the past we have found lighting at Wal-Mart, Walgreens and some at Lowes and Home Depot.  
    I am meeting with the Hendersonville police department after Thanksgiving to finalize the route.  They would like to have a participant count, so I am requesting that you post here, or email me at  with your commitment, and headcount.  I will be in contact with all participants via the blog and email with final route and ride arrangements.
   Our Charity this year is Hendersonville Police Department SANTA COP.  Please consider purchasing an unwrapped Toy or Toys for a child 0 to 12 years old.  Deliver your toy to Gary Williams office at 145 Maple Row Blvd. on or Before December 14. 
   For website information go to: FOGBEES CHRISTMAS LIGHTS RIDE

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at the email above.  


Todd Jarrell said...

I plan on being there Doug.....

Mike said...

Sherry and I are in.

H. Parish said...

I am in Doug

monsieur cannonball said...

Frosty says, " Let it snow, let it snow ! "
and bee there for the show.

Ed T said...

Can't make it this year.

BOB G. said...

I will be there.

coastdownhills said...

I'll be there with the usual tree and music trailer. Requests for change in music gladly accepted.

Unknown said...

I'm planning on it.

Sarah Ritt said...

I will come as Santa's helper!! :-)