Saturday, January 30, 2016

Natchez Trace Parkway Ride May 22-30, 2016

Mary Hinton who some of you might remember from the inaugural USBR 23 ride is planning an eight day  ride of the entire Natchez Trace Parkway this Spring.  It's still in early planning phase. She plans to have van support and stay in B&B's. Anyone interested can post here and I'l put you in contact with her.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wheel Bag??

A road trip this weekend warrants the need for a wheel bag or two, would there be a Fogbee in or around Hendersonville with one I could borrow this weekend??

Shoot me a text @615.218.2713

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bike / Walk Committee

The Bike / Ped Committee website, Bike 'n Walk Hendersonville has been updated.  We invite your suggestions.  Check it out for the latest 
- What's Happening in Hendersonville (Sanders Ferry Bikeway, New H'ville Bike Lanes, etc)
- Who Pays for Roads
- New BLOG 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Another anti bicycle bill

 Tennessee legislature is back in session. A bill has been introduced to prohibit gas tax money from being used for any bicycle or pedestrian infrastructure. Bike Walk Tennessee is trying to get this killed in committee. Representative  Terri Lynn Weaver is a very crucial member representing the 40th TN congressional district. She is Chair of the Transportation subcommittee.  This will come up for a vote next Wednesday. If any of you know her or even reside in her district, please post or email me at bruceeday at gmail dot com.  Politicians pay much more attention to their constituents.

The bill

40th district map


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lock ring tool

I have purchased new ROL rims and have a Ultegra 11x28 cassette on the way. Does anyone have a lock ring tool that I can use late next week to put the gears on the new rim? Leave me a message with contact number if I can borrow this tool to put this together.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Paid Internship Offer

Do you know a college student interested in a paid internship with TDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian program this Summer?  If so, please pass this along and encourage them to apply at:

Jessica Wilson| Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator
TDOT - Multimodal Transportation Resources Division

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Membership Maintenance - Some say, "Goodbye?"

1/2/16 UPDATE: I have sent an email notice to people who have not responded to this earlier post.  I will be removing those listed on this post on January 15, 2016

Original Posting: 11/5/15, followup 12/6/15
As you all know we use the response to our email to determine who wish to continue to be on our membership list. I have compiled a list of those whom MailChimp says are non-responsive.  It could be for a couple of reasons:
1) We have the wrong email address -- Please send a note to
2) They opened the message in TEXT ONLY mode -- Please send a note to
3) The Newsletter ended up in their SPAM folder -- Please send a note to
4) They haven't open their email in a week -- We'll wait another month
5) They are no longer interested -- we'll remove them in January

If you know any of the following and know they don't want to be removed, please contact them to either open the Newsletter or send us a note at

Thanks for everyone's help to clear up our membership listing  I will remove the following people from our Membership Lists in the first week of January.