Friday, October 28, 2016

Last chance for changes

After all the input received here is the list of labels for the order I will place on Monday. Same as previous posts, only send me new labels or changes if I don't have the info correct. Be sure to check yours on the Veloink website as I don't want to disappoint anyone.

Name, Background Color, Text Color, Font, Left Flag/logo, Right Flag/logo
Brian Beisel, matte transparent, silver, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, US flag
FOGBEES, matte transparent, silver, Friole, FOGBee, TN flag (Brian)
Tony Hernandez, matte transparent , orange, Exo, FOGBee, US flag subdued
FOGBEES, black, white, Frijole, FOGBee, TN flag (Gary Williams)
Todd Jarrell, black, white, Frijole, FOGBee, TN flag
Frank Hernandez, matte transparent, orange, Exo, FOGBee, US flag subduded
Harry Parish, matte transparent, black, Brush Script Std, TN flag, FOGBee
Lindsay Case, black, white, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, TN flag
Woody, transparent, white, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, TN flag
Doc Bruw, matte transparent, black, Frijole, FOGBee, TN flag
John Peel, black, white, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, TN flag
Kim Peel, black, white, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, TN flag
Kellie Taylor, black, white, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, TN flag
PopPop, black, transparent, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, US flag
MomMom, black, transparent, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, US flag
Shane Meade, black, white, Exo, FOGBee, US flag
Shane Meade, black, white, Exo, FOGBee, TN flag
Brent Hill, black, white, Exo, FOGBee, US flag
Hayden Hill, black, white, Exo, FOGBee, US flag
Jake, black, white, Exo, FOGBee, TN flag
Bash, black, white, Exo, FOGBee, TN flag
Kendall, black, white, Exo, FOGBee, TN flag
Gerardo, black, white, Exo, FOGBee, TN flag
Miley, matte transparent, white, Brush Script Std, US flag, FOGBee 
Frank Burgess, transparent, black, Brush Script Std, FOGBee, US flag
T. Allgood, matte transparent, white, League Gothic, TN flag, FOGBee (2 sheets)
CANNONBALL, transparent, vivid blue, Exo, FOGBee, none (Phillip V.)
Marcio, matte transparent, black, League Gothic, FOGBee, bicycle
Doug_D., transparent, red, League Gothic, FOGBee, FOGBee
Heidi, transparent, black, League Gothic, FOGBee, FOGBee
Marsha, transparent, black, League Gothic, FOGBee, FOGBee
Michelle, transparent, white, League Gothic, FOGBee, FOGBee


Kellie said...

Brian, I would like for mine to be: Kellie Elizabeth, matte transparent, white, brush script std, fogbee, TN Flag

Thank you for placing these orders for us :)

Docbruw said...

Make sure the name is spelled DocBrew.