Monday, October 3, 2016

Regular Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Rides Suspended due to lack of sunlight

Well, it is that time of year.  We just don't have enough daylight left at the end of the day to do the rides.  As such, they are suspended until next spring.

It has been another good riding season

HOWEVER, watch for Miley's Night Rider Nights, an occasional late afternoon ride posted by Woody or Woody's What Else Do You Have To Due But Ride Ealry On Sunday Rides.

Weather permitting, I am sure that Miley will post one of his special routes that will include such fun roads as Dobbins Pike or Tinnin just so our legs won't forget them.

Also, it is about time for Gary's Wednesday Night Fogbee Spin class at the Hendersonville YMCA.

So, don't get fat and lazy over the winter.  There will still be plenty to do.

See you on the road,

Mike and Woody


Kate said...

It has been a great season! A huge thank you to everyone who planned, posted and led the rides. How many weeks until spring? 😢

Sean Samber said...

Thanks guys for all your help posting and planning the routes and rides.It was a great summer of evening rides.

Sean Samber said...
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Brian beisel said...

Thanks to all who helped make it a great riding season. It went by to fast and I will miss our social hours.

Anonymous said...

It was great to get back on the bike this year after neck surgery! Weekday rides have been fun guys! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It was great to get back on the bike this year after neck surgery! Weekday rides have been fun guys! Thanks!