Sunday, June 9, 2024

You Only Turn 70 Once Ride, Saturday, June 15th

 My wife, Sherry, and my daughter, Meghann,  are throwing a bash for my 70th birthday this Saturday, June 15th, at The Farm because they think its something worth celebrating.   Grilling will include hamburgers and brats. 

As an FYI our favorite Canadian, yes Lindsay, also has a birthday Friday.  She’s getting ever so close to 40 years old.   Great people were born on the 14th, Flad Day!

Dave Miley is going to plan some routes that I am sure that will include some of my favorite roads.  Unfortunately, they probably won't include Dobbins Pike as it is a little too far.  I am sure he will include some others.  Ride time will be at 8:00AM from The Farm. 

My borther-in-law and sister-in-law have offered their pool and pool house for the festivities.  So, bring a chair and side along with your bathing suit and a towel and sun poolside. 

Husbands, wives, significant others are invited as well. 

Post what sides you are going to bring.

Come join the fun.  Who knows, I might even show up.

Watch for updates to the post with routes, etc. 

See you on the road,



Tammy Gibson said...

Jeff and I are planning on being there although I can’t ride due to a fractured wrist. We will bring sweet potato chips and potato salad. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Woody said...

See ya there; bringing mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onion.

Lindsay said...

Woot! Bringing a green bean salad with feta and pecans (recipe stolen from the Holcombs ;D)

Kate said...

Banana bread brownies - gluten free of course!

Brian beisel said...

Bowl of mixed fruit