Saturday, October 11, 2008

Medical Update

Hi All. I have recently begun riding with the Fogbees and have gotten to know a few of you fairly well. With that said, I wanted to provide a quick medical update. Some of you know that I suffered an embolic event (TIA) this summer and have been undergoing tests to try to figure out what caused it. They found a small hole in my heart that they repaired surgically this week. The good news is that the surgery was a complete success and I am back home doing well. The better news is that the doctors have cleared me to begin riding again in a couple of weeks. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers and I look forward to riding with the group again very soon. I hope you don't mind me sharing.

Chad Moss


Nik the Stik said...


Great news. I don't think we have met but you are in my prayers for not only a great recovery but more fruitful years to be a cyclist.


coastdownhills said...

Great news! For all it's faults, 21st Century medicine can sometimes be spectacular.

Miley said...

Congratulations, Chad. All the best towards your recovery.

Tom_E said...

Chad, that's good news. It is remarkable that you ride that well with a medical problem, not to forget the wonders of medical science.

Chad Moss said...

Thanks all. Hopefully I will be riding better now that the blood is flowing in the correct directions. See you all soon.

monsieur cannonball said...

Chad, to be well and to ride. What a great combo ! Look forward to seeing you at Looys; both at the begining of the ride and at the end of the ride, 'cause I want see much of you once we hit the road, ha.

Mike said...

Chad, glad to hear that you are doing well and looking forward to riding with you again and doing the 4.3 mile training loop again.

Mike Knake