Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Interim Report, Land use and Transportation

There was a good turn out for the meetings today, most of which had some bearing on cycling. David Hardin as well as some area cyclists I did not know and a bunch of non cyclists were also present. We had ample opportunity to voice our wishes. The only downer was when discussing paying for our wishes. They strongly encouraged going for the Safe Routes to Schools grants.
The 6:30 wrap up sessions are followed by open 1 on 1 time with the consultants so I encourage anyone who wants a say in future development to attend one Thursday or Friday. Monday is the overall wrap. Whatever the outcome, speaking up here has much more chance of affecting the city than yelling at the SUV that just brushed you on Drakes Creek Road.


BOB G. said...

Is there a way to comment by email or phone? My work schedule has me out of town this week and I will not be returning until late on Friday. I agree with you that this is important opportunity to make our wishes known. Our leaders are unable to read our minds so we need to have away to make them aware of our concerns.

coastdownhills said...

Do not know of any online aspect of the process but at the least I can email a pdf of their survey It's not listed on their published agenda but they mentioned being available for individual interaction on Saturday. I had not planned to go today but can drop by and ask about a possible Saturday Fogbee meeting with the person most involved in cycling issues if their is any interest.

coastdownhills said...

Nothing online but they will be available to talk with at the Hendersonville Public Library all day Saturday from 8a till 10 p.