Monday, February 23, 2009

Bicycle Ban Gaining Momentum

2/23/09 Late Breaking News - Bill is **OFF NOTICE** and will not go before sub-committee tomorrow 2/24/09. Read Comments for lastest info.

2/24/09 - From: Jessica Wilson. I just got back from the Rural Roads Subcommittee and thought I'd send out a quick update. Neither the River Road or Share the Road plates legislation was heard. I thought I would note, however, that Channel 4 News showed up for the meeting and when told that the River Road Bill was taken off notice, they left.
A bill to ban bicycles on River Road in Davidson County (House Bill 0342 and Senate Bill 0276) is proceeding through the Tennessee Legislature. River Road is a typical state rural highway with light to moderate traffic and no paved shoulder. There have been no bicycle-car crashes on this road in the last 5 years. If a ban is successful, many such roads across the state would be likely candidates for a ban as well. All bicyclists are urged to contact their representatives and members of the House Rural Roads Subcommittee.

Bicyclists are also encouraged to attend the subcommittee meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 1:30 in Room 31 of Legislative Plaza.


Doug_D said...

I have emailed Rep Maggart and Senator Black to oppose this legislation. The greatest concern is how many other roads would soon become banned. Some other things that concern me are what would you do if you lived on a banned road and wanted to or had to use your bike as transportation. What if we were out on a ride or tour and came to a banned road. If we decided to continue would motorists have a right to run us down?? You would think that this might impact Federal Highway funding in Tennessee. It would definitly be a black eye for Tennessee as far as livablility.

Please get involved on this one and email your representatives.
Senator Diane Black's email is:


Representative Debra Maggart:


coastdownhills said...

I plan to attend the meeting Tuesday, assuming it occurs as scheduled. Such things have a way of getting postponed at the last minute. Anyone wanting to ride along, let me know.

Nik the Stik said...

Those are excellent thoughts, Doug.

I posted a response from Ms. Black on the Tennessee Bicycle Advocates Google group. I think she is in our court.

Mike McDonald is my House rep and he has given me positive reponses as well.

Tom_E said...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jessica Wilson
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009

Okay- my friend followed up with Sen. Haynes' staff and here's the deal: Sen. Doug Henry (who presides over the district in which River Road is located) would not sponsor the bill, so that is why Sen. Haynes took it. His staff said that his office has been inundated with angry calls regarding this bill, and it all came about because there is a constituent who lives on River Road that is scared she is going to kill someone one of these days due to blind spots. On the upside, my friend suggested that since this bill is not in Sen. Haynes' district, it is unlikely he will really push for it if there is a large outcry.

Nik the Stik said...


Great news on why Senator Haynes picked up the ball and also a good indication of the overall support if a stalwart like Douglas Henry is in opposition.

I'd be leery that it was introduced because 'a little old lady was a-fearing for us poor, defenseless cyclists'. It was probably two or three SUV or Dualie drivers want to get us '*$&@# bikers off of his road'.

Still, no bad news has to be considered at least lukewarm good news.
