Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hey from Yankee Land

Well the snow is still here, but at least some of the ice is gone today.  I'm sure Georgie's boys weren't concerned with riding bikes, but rather merely surviving in this cold climate.


coastdownhills said...

Good to see you are out on your bike. There is snow, but looks like you also have a cleared trail. And sun. Your groundhog neighbor P. Phil says we have only two weeks till spring.

Miley said...

Those don't look like snow tires.

Tom_E said...

We had a great ride in mid-sixty degree weather this last Sunday and next weekend looks to be a repeat. Isn't it about time you came home? Skinny bike tires and snow don't mix.

Ed T said...

Mid sixties??? What's that all about. I am learning new skills like sensing onset of frostbite, riding on thin ice and dressing in many layers. Still I long for any chance to ride. I'll be back in early March for a while and will look forward to a ride or two. Meanwhile enjoy your weather.

monsieur cannonball said...

Where's your fife and drum ?
Last Saturday, as Tom and I turned onto Fairvue Plantation Blvd, I almost expected to see you riding to meet us. Your photo is timely. Would that be a road i.d. reflection on your ankle ? Take care and look forward to seeing you soon.

Doug_D said...

Is that a winter belly I see? You are looking healthy. Looking forward to riding with you again as soon as possible.