Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Breast Cancer Ride

I am riding in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer ride on April 18th based out of Beechhaven Winery. If anyone else would be interested in riding as a team please post a comment. They have a 10 mile, 25 mile and 50 mile rides. I haven't decided which ride I will do at this point.
I hope the link I have provided is correct.

Nancy P.


Nancy_P said...

Sorry the link did not make it. Try

GARY said...

I would love to do this ride but I will be in Tampa, Fl. playing in the Over 50 Mens Labatt Blue USA Hockey Championship tournament the 16th-19th. Have a great ride!

Mike Poole said...

Thank you Nancy. I am in for the 50, looking forward to it.

Mike P.

wttuckerjr said...


This is a great ride with well marked good roads, mostly flat, excellent support,and very little traffic. The 50 mile route takes you through some of the Mennonite areas, so drivers are expecting slow moving vehicles.

Rhonda and I have done this ride every year since it's inception. We would love to do it again this year, but it is on the same day as my son's senior prom, and we're hosting a pre-prom party/dinner. So the best I can offer at the moment is a maybe. If we can work out a way to manage both, we will be there. A FOGBEE team would be great.


BOB G. said...

What is the cost for participating in this ride.

bkortness said...

We have also done this ride since it's first year! Leslie and I are plannning on riding the 50 mile course. Expect this ride to be flat, flat, flat...

Nancy_P said...

There was a question on a mimuum amount like the Tour de Cure or is it just the fee. I didn't have time to check but will do so Monday. Thanks for the info above. May do the 50 then.