Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TDOT Provides Rumble Strip Compromise

. . . In December 2008 Big Bob became a YouTube movie star as rep's from TDOT watched him negotiate the rumble on SR 109. In the summer Jessica Wilson from TDOT rode with the FOGBEES and cussed out the 31W rumble with the rest of us.
. . . In today's meeting of TDOT, MPO and Bike Walk Tennessee Jessica unveiled TDOT's new rumble strip standard that very nearly meets the December Position Statement of the Middle Tennessee Cyclists.
. . . TDOT has shown leadership in setting a new standard for other States to following in finding a compromise design. We may not like Rumble Strips, but TDOT has offered something we can ride with. More information will follow.

1 comment:

coastdownhills said...

For anyone unfamiliar with this issue, Rumble strips present the single greatest threat to cycling across the USA. While the federal government is generally cycle friendly part of the rural safety program pays the states to inappropriately rumble many of our best roads. TDOT and our MPO and RPO reps deserve a lot of credit for trying to do right by us. I have personal experience in KY, AL and reports from Arkansas and New Mexico that indicate they are rumbling willy nilly full speed ahead.