Thursday, March 11, 2010

Google Bike Maps

Washington, D.C. - March 10, 2010 - Google announced at the Opening Plenary Session at the National Bike Summit that they are adding biking directions in the U.S. to Google Maps."This new tool will open people's eyes to the possibility and practicality of hopping on a bike and riding," said Andy Clarke, President of the League of American Bicyclists. "We know people want to ride more, and we know it's good for people and communities when they do ride more - this makes it possible. It is a game-changer, especially for those short trips that are the most polluting."

They released the application in beta and acknowledged that much work is needed to refine. They asked that cyclists use the "report a problem" link in the lower right hand corner to send map corrections (after zooming to the area in question). They also talked about a new map application that will allow users to make corrections directly to the map database that will go to beta testers in the next couple of months.

Visit to try out this new feature. Follow the League's news feed on the new Google feature on the League's Blog, Facebook and Twitter.

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