Friday, May 14, 2010

2010 Spring overnight tour May 15,16 to MBSP update, Lite option added.

Web Site UPDATED with Sked's, Maps, and CUE Sheet w/Luggage Plan
LAST UPDATED 8:00A 5/15/10

In keeping with the keep on trucking attitude espoused in the marvelous video in the prior post, the Spring Tour is still on. Ashland City police confirm the roads we plan to take are ok through Ashland City to White Bluff, Stratton's is open for Saturday worst case, there is McDonald's for Sunday. The Riverview is definitely closed to the ride. I've no reason to think Montgomery Bell has any problem.

5/12/2010 UPDATE - Lite Option added
It was great to get out with the gang again today but it showed me how weak I've become after a winter and most of the spring with no riding. Someone expressed concern for riding 60 miles and the idea of a Lite version was born.

1. Long riders: Ride from Sam's Sports Bar at 9:00 am

2. Short riders from H'ville: Convene at Sam's Sports Bar at 10 am and drive to Ashland City. Others leave from wherever and Ashland City Police have given permission to park behind Ashland City Police Station.

3. All: meet at Statton's Diner about 11:30 am for lunch and then ride to MBSP.

4. Need Luggage transport to MBSP? Bring it by my house before 9:30 am Saturday or have at Sams at 10A. Read comments.


GARY said...

I'm planning on the 60 mile ride.

Christy said...

I'm planning on riding the leg from Ashland City to the park. If any Fogbees are heading back Saturday night and could offer a ride, please post. Otherwise, I'm going to try to beg a ride from family.

Or, any non-riding party goers out there that would be kind enough to drive my truck to the park? Maybe that's asking too much...

Mike said...

I am doing the 60 mile ride.

Mike Knake

Jimmy R. said...

I'm planning on doing the long ride.


Tom_E said...

I will ride with Bruce and Dave Irvine from where ever they start/stop. I figure their pace is my pace.

James C said...

I plan on the long ride.

Caledonia said...

I plan to meet Bruce and Tom in Ashland City for the Lite version. Those wanting to park at my house in Inglewood are still welcome to do so, but during my recon today a Metro Parks Ranger advised me that Shelby Bottoms and MetroCenter Greenways are officially closed. He didn't know if any bridges were washed out as investigation is ongoing, but everything is covered with mud which will be slick if it rains Saturday. The Moss Rose cul-de-sac at the north end of Shelby Bottoms got several feet of flood water and all the houses at that elevation have been gutted and mountains of debris piled by the street. If leaving from my house I recommend some other route such as Trinity Lane to Ashland City Hwy etc. DTI

coastdownhills said...

Thanks to DTI for the report and warning. Also Thanks to Gary for getting the long riders organized during my disorganized hiatus.
As of now four long riders plan to leave from Ridgetop so will miss the downtown Nashville mess. I suggested to Gary they leave about 9:30 so as to arrive in Ashland City about 11:30-noon. My suggested route is on Mapmyride as a repeat of the 2008 Spring ride.
Day two will be a backtrack of day one.
Anyone wanting gear transported to MBSP can bring it by my house anytime between now till we leave Saturday morning and it will be transported to MBSP by Sharyn.

As for Lites, as of now I know for sure of only Tom, Bruce, David I, Tommy, and Rhonda going. And maybe Bob G. Caledonia will be driving directly from his home so there is room in Ole Rusty for all of us and our bikes. My plan is to park near Ashland City Police station but have yet to get official permission. Usually my calls go to voice mail which has not been returned and one live person asked me to call back when someone more official was to be in. It's about an hour drive to Ashland City so we should meet at Sam's Sports bar parking lot at 10 am to load up.
We have an extra room reserved at MBSP I must surrender by Thursday night or loose my deposit so if anyone else needs a room, let me know.

GARY said...

Bruce: Myself, Jim and Jimmy will be leaving from Sams at 9am and pickup Mike on the way in Goodlettsville. We have added least 10 miles to the ride so we will be doing 35 and 35 that day. We have most everything worked out about our gear. I need to talk to the Postman about his gear but it should be no issue at all. We are riding back Sunday except for Mike. We do need a "MAP MY RIDE" posted for us from Sam's to MB State Park which avoids Nashville's greenway but allows us to pick up Mike somewhere in Goodlettsville. Can you or Tom do this for us? Whether we do 70+ on Sunday depends on time, weather, etc. Look forward to the trip!

BOB G. said...

I will not be going on this ride. Stay safe and have a good time.

coastdownhills said...

Bad news,
Ole Rusty's Alternator appears to have taken out. I was out in some of the heavy rain today so something may have just gotten wet but I see no way to get him fixed by tomorrow.I can still transport 2 more people in my car but not as many as if we had Ole Rusty.

Christy said...

Weather is looking ominous for this afternoon so I'm going to pass on my abbreviated version of your ride. Have fun and stay safe.