Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cystic Fibrosis Cycle for Life Committee Meeting

. . The Committee Meeting for organizing the 2012 Cystic Fibrosis Cycle for Life ride has been moved from February 12'th to March 11'th at 2PM in Gary's office.  Our new marketing Director from Cystic Fibrosis Tiffany Kerns has a conflict for February 12'th.
. . If any FOGBEE would like to serve on the Planning Committee or has ideas on how to improve the event please send me a note.  Last year's committee elected to have the annual ride on the fourth Saturday of October.  We will again be at Sycamore Springs and Gary has agreed to have his spectacular Halloween Party that evening so its going to be a gala event.  It'll be a Ride and Party Hardy.
. . Lastly, the long ride was one of the most scenic in the area and well planned by Bruce and Miley.  We received lots of kudos.  But it was tough, especially the approach into Hartsville! Maybe too tough. So we will be looking to level out that section as best as possible in Tennessee and shortening it.  Cystic Fibrosis has also asked us to add a 20-mile route. 

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