Thursday, March 8, 2012

Silver Comet Spring Ride - Comments Please

We are trying to pull off an out of town ride down the Chief Ladiga and Silver Comet Trail. The tentative date is May 5. We would travel to the Jackson or Anniston Alabama area on Friday the 4th and stay overnight. We will plan Ride Drops to vary the mileage.

The big Kahuna (Full Ladiga and Comet) would range in the 90 - 95 mile range, an all day affair. If you want to do just the Silver Comet 62 Miles, we would arrange a drop off at the Alabama/Georgia Border where you can go back a mile to the border then ride the comet. The short ride would be in the 40 to 45 mile from the lunch stop. See Bruces comment as that is a race weekend in Alabama. We can work around this by starting in Atlanta and riding out. We can arrange out and backs or I know I can get a couple drivers to pick us up along the trail varying the mileage. We can limit it to just the Comet and not get into the race mess. Just different logistics.

45 miles of the Comet are reasonably flat while there are hills where it goes off the railbed. I have not rident the Chief. In any event we would take our time and have a lunch stop at one of the towns along the trail, ending up in the Atlanta area at a hotel near the trail. As always we will try to plan daytime activities for the non riding spouses/significant others.

Please comment 1.) If you are interested in riding 2.) If so how many miles 3.) If your spouse or significant other will be joining to ride or for other activities.


GARY said...

I'm in with Cindy not as a rider. I'd like to do the long ride.

coastdownhills said...

I just called the Victoria to see why their rates had increased so astronomically. The weekend of May 4,5,6 is a race weekend at Talladega and every motel for miles around sticks it to the NASCAR fans. Jacksonville may be just far enough north to limit the race weekend effect on price but one could count on no last minute rooms. Not to mention the race traffic on every road in the Birmingham, Atlanta, Chattanooga triangle which is like having a wreck on the 386 bypass Friday 6:30 am. Rooms at the Victoria, which would be my suggestion as the Alabama overnight, will all be over $200/night on this race weekend but non race weekends will be Queen/King/Double $69/79/89.

BOB G. said...

I like the idea of starting in Atlanta.

Janice said...

I'd love to take part in the weekend. Talked with Carol Day, aka. "sock monkey", and she's interested, also. By May I hope to be able to do at least the 62 miles, and I feel certain that Carol will want to ride the 95.

James C said...

Please give me a few weeks advance so I can plan on meeting up with all of you.