Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Robertson County online survey

Attention! All Robertson County Fogbees. You know who you are. You are among the most ardent Fogbees. Now is your chance to have your voice heard in planning your future.  As improbable as it sounds, your opinion does matter.  Attending a meeting is best but online is better than nothing, which is what most folks do.

Speak up!! Tell them you want shoulders on all new roads. Or whatever are your needs for improved cycling. You live there and know what would work. Tell them because  they don't know what you need.    Put a face on that crazy person they see on their streets.

Robertson County Comprehensive Growth & Development

For Release: November 20, 2012           
 Margot L. Fosnes
President, Chief Economic Officer
 Robertson Co. Chamber of Commerce

Online Survey Available for Input on Growth and Development Plan for Robertson County and the cities of Adams, Coopertown and Cross Plains
Survey is in Addition to Four Community Workshops Scheduled December 3-6

Springfield, TN – Residents now have the opportunity to provide needed input on the Robertson County Growth and Development Plan from the comfort of their home or office. Project officials have established an online survey to make the process as convenient as possible. The survey can be found under “Give Us Your Feedback” at  There is also a series of workshops scheduled December 3-6, providing additional opportunities for feedback.
“We can’t stress enough how important the input of residents and business owners is for the success of this project,” said Jonathan Garner, chair of the project’s steering committee. “This plan will affect everyone in some way, so providing ample opportunity to have issues addressed is very important to us.”
               The survey provides a series of 13 questions that allows the participant to answer in his or her own words. Questions range from where new housing should be located to which new industries may be good additions to the local economy. There is also a feedback section to openly address any issue not presented in previous questions. 
Residents are also encouraged to attend one of four Community Workshops to learn more about the plan. The workshops are scheduled for Monday, December 3 through Thursday, December 6.  Consultants with Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Inc. will lead the discussions. See a complete listing of the dates, times, and locations for each workshop on the following page.

The Comprehensive Growth and Development Plan will give officials a roadmap to guide future growth and development, accommodate change, and maintain the unique character of Robertson County.  It will address roads, housing, parks, schools, and even historic landmarks.
“We want to know which issues are important to the people who live and work in this great county,” remarked Margot Fosnes, president and chief economic development officer of the Robertson County Chamber of Commerce. “We believe by working together, we can lead Robertson County into a very bright future.”  

Workshop dates, times and locations are as follows:         

                                Springfield Workshop                                Cross Plains Workshop
Monday, December 3, 2012                       Tuesday, December 4, 2012
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.                                    5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church                              City Hall
200 5th Avenue West                                      7622 Highway 25 E.
Springfield, TN                                                Cross Plains, TN

Adams Workshop                                          Coopertown Workshop
Wednesday, December 5, 2012                 Thursday, December 6, 2012
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.                                  5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
“Catered Lunch”                                             Coopertown Elementary School
Adams Clubhouse                                           3746 Highway 49 W.
210 South Church Street                               Springfield, TN
Adams, TN

RSVP to: Lea Ann Allen at 615.382.2245 or
For more information visit: for more information.

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For more information:      Deborah Varallo 615.367.5200, ext. 14 or
                                             Varallo Public Relations, Nashville


Tom_E said...

As someone who has worked the last six years with TDOT, Metropolitan Planning Office, and City Planners, I can confirm that people in these organizations DO LISTEN. The problem is getting bicyclists to offer their opinion. These orgs respect FOGBEE opinion. We have a leadership reputation to maintain. If you haven't noticed, a LOT more bicyclists are around. You guys and gals are the experts. Please help.

Christy said...

Eddie and I plan to attend one of these Robertson County meetings. Any "coaching" prior to the meeting would be appreciated.

coastdownhills said...

Eddie and Christy,
Excellent! The main thing is to show up and speak up. That lets the planners know they have cycling constituents. This seems to be in a very early phase of planning. Having you at the table early avoids playing catch up. It's too late when the yellow flags go up in the hayfields.
Taking this survey beforehand should give you an idea of where they are.
Be prepared for a few sneers and "What are we talking about bicycles for?" comments.
Good Luck.

Christy said...

Thanks - we did the survey yesterday so that's at least behind us.