Friday, November 15, 2013

Annual Redneck Ride November 16

Annual Redneck Ride  November 16th 2013 
    The Annual Redneck Ride leaves from The BBQ Pit , 608 N Broadway in Portland TN. This year we will start at 9 a.m. and venture to Gold City Ky. There is a market stop at mile ~20. This is going to be ~40ish mile round trip for all groups. Route maps will be added . Following the ride, we feast like coon hounds at the bbq pit, then out to the gun range for some blasting !  This  is the perfect environment if you've wanted to eat bbq and  shoot a gun but always invented an excuse not to eat the bbq.
   As in years past, we will have a couple Certified Instructors and Range Officers to assist.  If you want to be a new shooter and can't wait to pull a trigger, holler at me before hand and we will accommodate you.
 - curtis  615 516 9869

A note on the shooting: if you are planning to shoot please do not get out of your car and come to the range with anything loaded. Be sure you're wearing Eye and Ear Protection when you come to the range. If you dont have any please let  Bob, Demetrius, Sara  or me know and we will get you range ready.

Keeping with the theme David Irvine shares CLICK HERE


Sarah Ritt said...

do you need volunteers for anything??

Kaiser Dawg said...

Looking forward to the ride and thanks for posting/hosting! ~ Kaiser

monsieur cannonball said...

Cannonball present and accounted for sir ! 🚴🍔🔫

H. Parish said...

lets ride

Curtis _M said...

Sara I will need you to stand at the gate to the house and keep out all the folks with a history of being a whiner.

Ed T said...

I am looking forward to thinks, Curtis, but have shot anything but a shotgun since Nam. Can you hook me up?

MS said...

I'm in!!

Unknown said...

I'm in. Cannot see the route though. Can you post in a different format so I can put it in the garmin.

Miley said...

Looking forward to riding new roads. If anyone wants to join me there at 8, I'm riding a 15 mile loop southeast of town.

Mike said...

I will be there,

Mike Knake

Woody said...

I plan on being there.

Gary said...

Secret Agent Man is in....

Jimmy R. said...

Planning to be there. Hope there will be some riders my speed.....

Andrew said...

I want to shoot, but I don't have any of the needed equipment!

Tom_E said...

Riding and eating, but not shooting

Andrew said...

Thank you Curtis, Bob, Misty and Phil for showing me how to shoot. I had a great time!