Friday, November 29, 2013

David M Crash report

David M had a nasty crash about noon today. Apparently hit large rock that blew out his front wheel. Was confused on scene and had seizure at Hendersonville ER. CT scan showed small amount of subarachnoid hemorrhage and he was transferred to Skyline. No surgery planned and he is in Neuro ICU for observation and repeat scans.
As of tonight a complete recovery is expected but keep Dave and his family in your thoughts and prayers.


JoHo said...

Any update this morning on Dave's condition?

coastdownhills said...

Sat 2 pm. Dave in regular room and getting back to normal. If repeat scans tomorrow (Sunday am) are ok he will go home. Hopefully, future updates will come from him.

Andrew said...

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is what I had from the skiing accident eight years ago. It just means bleeding under the arachnoid membrane... pretty deep in the brain. Like Dave, I had very little blood. It took me about three weeks to go back to work. I sometimes had trouble sleeping for awhile after that, but within 2-3 months I was back to my normal self. We can debate later as to weather or not that's a good thing...

monsieur cannonball said...

Well, at least I understand Andrew better ;)

Andrew said...

"weather"... it sure didn't improve my spelling...

Unknown said...

Did Miley get to go home today?