Friday, November 29, 2013

Newsletter - Archives and What's New

. . Each month the Newsletter has about a half-dozen articles in addition to the numerous news posts.  We have saved those on Google Drive.  You can access past articles from the website (menu item under Resources).  We have not archived the newsletters.
. . This month the table of contents for the newsletter (to be issued Sunday morning) is
  • Holiday Fest & Christmas Lights Ride
  • Enjoy Winter Cycling
  • Riding in the Wild West
  • Seagull Century
  • When a Century Just Isn't Enough
  • Kentucky Bicycle And Bikeways
  • She's a Celebrity
  • Bike 'n Walk Hendersonville
  • Spinning at the Y
  • 23mm or 25mm
  • New Biking Column for H'ville
  • Administration Stuff
. . The newsletter is private and issued ONLY to registered FOGBEE members. We use the MailChimp subscription list as the basis for the FOGBEE membership list (last update was on 11/25/13). In early January we will do our annual membership list maintenance and purge those subscriptions that appear to be inactive.  MailChimp monitors who is opening the newsletters. If the newsletter has not been opened for the last two or three months, we assume the subscriber no longer wishes to continue as a FOGBEE member.
. . If you don't receive a newsletter this Sunday, please contact us at  We apparently have a bad email address for you.

1 comment:

David S said...

Great Newsletter. Thanks Tom and all who contributed.