Sunday, December 15, 2013

Another Great Performance

. . Each year the FOGBEE Christmas Lights Ride only gets better because of everyone's fantastic contributions.  We have many new and creative costumes/floats, we have past themes with an extra string of lights added, more elves show up to assist, and the post ride party (even Gary singing) gets more festive.
. . David Evjens, one of the organizers of the St Nicholas Ball, said, "The FOGEES are great.  We have to make their visit to the Ball an annual tradition."
. . The caroling went well and was appreciated at every stop, especially for the little girl whose birthday present from the FOGBEES was a chorus of "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer."
. . Special thanks go to Sgt. Mike Germany of the Hendersonville Police Department who provided for our escort.  The flashing blue lights of the police car warned all that something special was coming. AND you all were truly special this year.  Thanks to Bob, Gary, and the cast of FOGBEE actors who braved the cold and misty evening to make this ride a unique and not-to-be missed annual event.  There was a rumor that the Hendersonville Star News was at the party taking pictures. 


Gary said...

Last night, to me, was Christmas....what a great time with great people....

Tammy Gibson said...

Great Folks, Great Hearts = Great time and success! A special thanks to Officer Jeff Duren who helped stop and block traffic with Sarah and I.. He is a great guy, neighbor and friend! Be sure to check the Star News this Wednesday, you might make a special apperance :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Y'all.. so glad to be a part of the group! :D

coastdownhills said...

Great work and congratulations to all the organizers and participants. Becoming an officially sanctioned event is a great accomplishment and the decorations did us proud.