Before I get too excited, does this mean we'll have marked bike lanes all the way through Hendersonville, including between Sanders Ferry and New Shackle Island Road?
I would like to share more info, but the email exchange copied to the newsletter is all I have. It would be my best guess that Bike Lane will only be painted where the shoulder is sufficient to include them. That does not apply to the section of road between New Shackle and Sanders Ferry. I have also discussed this section of town with Fred Rogers with no favorable resolution. Outside of the "add" of the greenway paid for by Halo, we are batting near zero elsewhere in town, which I am sorry to say probably include the CMAQ project.
Before I get too excited, does this mean we'll have marked bike lanes all the way through Hendersonville, including between Sanders Ferry and New Shackle Island Road?
I would like to share more info, but the email exchange copied to the newsletter is all I have. It would be my best guess that Bike Lane will only be painted where the shoulder is sufficient to include them. That does not apply to the section of road between New Shackle and Sanders Ferry.
I have also discussed this section of town with Fred Rogers with no favorable resolution.
Outside of the "add" of the greenway paid for by Halo, we are batting near zero elsewhere in town, which I am sorry to say probably include the CMAQ project.
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