Saturday, June 29, 2019

We're Back from Up North

It is really hard not to love those 75-degree temperatures in Quebec for biking.  It was a great trip. Bruce detailed it in his Crazy Guy on a Bike journal (click here).  Yes, we took LOTS of pictures. For those interested, click here.  Lastly, the trip will be published in three parts in my monthly magazine column starting in August.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Rick's Cigars and BBQ Ride, Saturday, 6/29

Update:  Bring chairs just in case.

This Saturday, we are going to ride from White House City Park and then grill out at Rick's Cigars in White house following the ride.  Significant others are very welcome to join us after the ride. 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

UpDATE-Chattanooga FOGBEES Trip, Weekend of June 14th-UPDATE

Plans are continuing to come together for the trip to Chattanooga the weekend of June 14th.

Friday:  Arrive.  People will be arriving throughout the day.   So, no specific plans, other than we will go to the Terminal Brewhouse,  next to the Chattanooga ChooChoo Hotel for casual dinner and drinks.

Saturday Night:  Dinner at Table and Tavern, .  Reservation at 5:00PM.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Thank You

Thank you to everyone for your love and support during this past week. I appreciate every word, encouragement, cards, food, visit, acts of kindness, calls, thoughts and every prayer. I remember another time in my life that I did not have my Fogbee family and friends; but this time was much different, I felt your love, support and prayers. I know you had my back and you were pulling me the entire time, and were not about to drop me.
Please continue to keep me, my family and Dylan's sons in your prayers.
Love you all, and may God Bless You my friends!