Sunday, September 13, 2009

FOGBEES Everywhere

Although Bob had a good turnout for the local ride. FOGBEES could be found at other area charity rides: Hope On Wheels - 100 and Makin' Macon Fit. I bet you can figure who is where.


philandlisa said...

Not sure about Macon County, but the HOW100 had some FLH's (French Lick Hills!!!). I did learn that just when you're considering dismounting and walking the remainder, it's best not to do so as that very hill is the one where a group of people are waiting and cheering you on. Thank you, Pride, for keeping me on that bike! It really was a fun ride. :)

Jennifer said...

Nancy and Ann were also at the HOW. Ditto to Lisa, ride was fun, but the course was tough. I also learned that any scenic road next to a stream probably has a FLH at the end!

Tom_E said...

Makin' Macon had Ferguson Hill Rd, which is a quite descriptive name. Bruce described it as TWO PeeDee's back to back, which is quite accurate. At the bottom of the hill, some of the "fatherly" FOGBEE's befriended a very attractive young lady who was approximately 20 years old. Nervously, she asked if she could ride with them. Bruce, Phil, and Ron escorted her up the hill while she made several rest stops. Whereas Allen and Tom thought this damsel-in-distress rode too slow for them and took off without her, BP&R found her pace just perfect.

Jennifer, we call these PUC's.

Tango Bravo said...

The two pictures remind me of beauties and the beasts.

coastdownhills said...

I thought I knew every cyclable road in Macon County but the best one, Old Bottom, had been hiding. You can be sure it is now in the Fogbee list. And yes Jennifer, one can come to dread bridges cause they frequently portend a climb.

Anne said...

HOW ride was awesome.One participants related the last hill to doing lamaze. I found them to be challenging but AWESOME. Way to go Fogbee Gals.