FOR PLANS FOR THIS OFFICIAL FOGBEE RIDECLICK HERE The link will take you to our web page for this ride you can join the FOGBEE team from this web page. If you would like to car pool from Hendersonville please post. We will meet behind Sam's at 7:00 AM.
A little photographic memory to encourage everyone to turn out for the Wounded Warrior Ride on September 26. I'm with you Bob G.
Of the many, many rides in which this jaded old cyclist has participated, the Wounded Warriors last year was the most moving. It is a rare opportunity to mingle with real heroes while a grateful populace cheers for them, and by association, you too. Bruce
Well we are starting to build a team. We are up to 6 riders so far. I would encourage all of the FOGBEES to participate in this ride. It is a great cause and a truly inspiring ride.
Of the many, many rides in which this jaded old cyclist has participated, the Wounded Warriors last year was the most moving. It is a rare opportunity to mingle with real heroes while a grateful populace cheers for them, and by association, you too.
We're in.
Well we are starting to build a team. We are up to 6 riders so far. I would encourage all of the FOGBEES to participate in this ride. It is a great cause and a truly inspiring ride.
Count me in.
Mike Knake
I am there too. Just got to register.
6:30 and not looking good weather wise. I will still be at Sam's at 7 am. At lest this should ameliorate the expected traffic jam
Phil is picking me and we are on our way.
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